Inner Beauty Review: Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella


Four Sigmatic

May, 2021 Order!

The Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella is one of the newest additions to the Four Sigmatic family of products. Very similar to the Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Focus shot with Lion’s Mane, the Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella comes in the same packaging and liquid shot form. However, this little inner beauty product has a completely different focus. 

Before I delve into the products, I want to give a brief overview of adaptogens, and tremella. Everyone is at a different stage in their health journey and I make no assumptions here. 

So, what are adaptogens? 

Adaptogens can help your body in recovering from physical and mental stress. Some also boost immunity and overall well-being. Research shows adaptogens can combat fatigue, enhance mental performance and ease depression and anxiety. Four Sigmatic is a company that specializes in adaptogen products, specifically from mushrooms. 

What is tremella? 

What are the benefits of this magical mushroom? Tremella is a unique looking mushroom with a gelatin coral like texture. Tremella has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for a very long time and there are so many health benefits including high antioxidant and high anti-inflammatory properties. 

Tremella mushrooms help with combating wrinkles, hydrate skin, and tremella also contains a high amount of vitamin D. All amazing benefits that are fantastic for skin and overall health. Tremella is even great for helping reduce cholesterol. 

Tremella mushrooms have a mild and slightly sweet taste. These mushrooms are often used in Southeast Asian soups and desserts, though their mild taste makes them good for a variety of dishes. This is perhaps another reason why Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella contains just that, Tremella. 

What are the benefits of Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella?

  • The high antioxidant and high anti-inflammatory properties and vitamin D benefits of 1,500mg of Tremella

  • 100% daily value of Zinc Citrate, an essential for beautiful skin

  • 5000% of your Biotin requirements at 1,500mg a day, making your hair, skin and nails shine!

  • 200% daily value of vitamin C from Acerola Cherry Powder

  • Organic Blueberry Juice, Organic Pomegranate Juice and Pink Himalayan Salt.

  • Vegan, Organic, Gluten Free and Third Party Tested!

  • Only 1-gram of sugar

  • Zero Caffeine!

What does Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella taste like?

I was actually quite pleasantly surprised when I tried the Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella for the first time. The pomegranate flavor is the forward facing flavor that’s known well to me. There’s absolutely no strange mushroom or earthy flavor at all. It’s tarte, a little sweet, and tastes a little like acai berry. 

The Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella comes in a package with 6 bottles. This does make the price $3.33 per bottle. The price may not be a daily regime but I absolutely have this in my kitchen cabinet at all times. The nice thing is that the Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella is shelf stable. I can pop one open and save the second half in the fridge. 

How do I drink the Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella?

I drink it the traditional way, with a few sips. I also like to make a mocktail with a CBD Sparkling Water. I also grow aloe and herbs and I’ll often add mint or aloe to the mix. There are so many ways to make a cleansing, adaptogen beauty drink. I swear, I don’t even feel like I’m drinking a health drink. It feels like a high end mocktail. 

Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella Discount

For 10% OFF your Four Sigmatic order, visit the link below and enter the code THEBOSSYSAUCE

This code works for more than your first order, and you can use it in addition to any subscription discounts, so make sure to save this code!


Check Out These Four Sigmatic Beauty Shot Mixer Ideas…


Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella Review. Four Sigmatic Tremella Review. Four Sigmatic Tremella Beauty Review. Four Sigmatic Beauty Review. Is Tremella good for your skin? Does Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty with Tremella taste good? What does Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty Shot with Tremella taste like?

Four Sigmatic Beauty with Tremella Review. Four Sigmatic Beauty with Tremella Review. Four Sigmatic Adaptogen Beauty with Tremella Review. Review of Four Sigmatic Beauty Tremella.

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